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  • 收录类型=EIx
  • 人物=郎五可x

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Effect of na doping or substitution on the structural and electrochemical properties of cobalt-free li-rich mn-based cathode materials被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Li, Weiwei Yao, Lu Si, Jiangju Yang, Jie Lang, Wuke Blegoa, S.N.
机构: College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Department of Materials Engineering
来源:Materials Science Forum  2020
关键词:Cathode materials - Cathodes - Cobalt - Electric discharges - Electrochemical properties - Lithium-ion batteries - Scanning electron microscopy - Sol-gel process - Sol-gels - Stability - X ray photoelectron spectroscopy  
The effect of chelating agent on synthesis and electrochemical properties of LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Li, Weiwei Yao, Lu Zhang, Xiangjun Lang, Wuke Si, Jiangju Yang, Jie Li, Li
机构: College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Research and Development Centre for Vehicle Battery and Energy Storage
来源:SN Applied Sciences  2020
关键词:Chelation - Crystal structure - Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy - Cathodes - Cyclic voltammetry - Redox reactions - Manganese compounds - Electrochemical properties - Lithium compounds - Waste incineration - Electric discharges - Nickel compounds - Sols  
Effect of Na Doping on Electrochemical Properties of Cobalt-Free Li-Rich Mn-Based Cathode Materials被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Li Weiwei Yao Dongjia Yao Lu Si Jiangju Yang Jie Lang Wuke
机构:Xinxiang Univ;Henan Fanrui Composite Mat Res Inst
关键词:Na doping   electrochemical properties   Li-rich   cathode materials  
已选条目 检索报告 聚类工具

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