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A Preliminary Research on Designing and Development of Digital Teaching Resource    


英文题名:A Preliminary Research on Designing and Development of Digital Teaching Resource

作者:Ren Xiaolin[1]


机构:[1]XinXiang Univ, Dept Mus, Xinxiang, Henan, Peoples R China


会议论文集:4th International Conference on Education and Sports Education (ESE)

会议日期:APR 11-12, 2013

会议地点:Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA


外文关键词:Digital teaching resources; Classification; Evaluation

摘要:At present, the state of domestic digital teaching resources building is unsatisfactory and being in a confused or disordered condition. A lot of low-level resources development, the utilization ratio of digital teaching resources is not high. How to utilize digital teaching resources, establish interconnected network and share digital teaching resources has become urgent need to solve the problems. In this paper completely and systematically analyses the digital teaching resources from the classification and evaluation of the two aspects, and put forward digital teaching resources classification and evaluation indictor system. With the development of high-speed computer network technology, network promotes the application of information technology in education by user-friendly way. In the course of the application of IT to education, digital teaching resources building is gradually becoming the focus of education, it is not only improving education quality and inspiring potential for the development or education, but also promoting learner's initiative and enthusiasm. Digital teaching resource lays significant foundation in implementing education informationization, the construction of which is considered as a complex systematic project while the effective and amply utilization of which play an important role in higher education.



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