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Design of management information system based on reverse logistics  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Design of management information system based on reverse logistics

作者:Mu, Ruihui[1]


通讯作者:Mu, R.

机构:[1] College of Computer and Information Engineering, Xinxiang University, Xinxiang 453003, China


会议论文集:Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Green Communications and Networks 2012, GCN 2012

会议日期:December 12, 2012 - December 14, 2012

会议地点:Chongqing, China


外文关键词:Information use - Management information systems

摘要:With the continuous development of economic and social awareness on environmental protection requirements continue to improve, reverse logistics has begun to attract people's attention, so the development of the role of reverse logistics information system become apparent. There are various papers on reverse logistics characteristics, the system features modular design, the logical structure design, security design studies, reverse logistics management information system design. The paper puts forward the Design and Implementation of Management Information System Based on Reverse Logistics. ? 2013 Springer-Verlag.



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