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Effect of milk peptides and sugar on endocrine and immune responses during sports process  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Effect of milk peptides and sugar on endocrine and immune responses during sports process

作者:Fan, Wenhui[1]


通讯作者:Fan, Wenhui

机构:[1] Department of Physical Education, Xinxiang University, Xinxiang, 453003, China






外文期刊名:Revista de la Facultad de Ingenieria



外文关键词:Amino acids - Beverages - Immune system - Immunization - Oxidative stress - Proteins - Sports

摘要:The immune status of athletes is closely related to nutrition, nutrients can affect almost all aspects of the immune system. In training, the athletes train for some purpose, often with some changes in the diet, such as high-protein diets, high-sugar diet, high fat diet, low-calorie diet, which can cause protein-energy malnutrition and immune damage, thus energy substances exacerbate exercise stress caused by the depletion of stress hormones rise, strengthen the immune response and decreased exercise capacity. In this paper, the skin is rich in glutamic acid as the main raw milk, add sugar, milk skin on the body's endocrine response after exercise showed beneficial anabolic effect. Movement skin supplement milk sugar, can promote anabolic hormone after exercise significant rise InS high, stimulating hormone ACTH decomposition decreased, while in motion and stress hormone levels did not increase after exercise, suggesting movement skin supplement milk sugar, it is conducive to the body's anabolic conducive to recovery after exercise, and there is no additional stress hormone response to exercise.



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