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Construction search structural materials based on formal concept analysis and association rule mining  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Construction search structural materials based on formal concept analysis and association rule mining

作者:Mu, Ruihui[1]


通讯作者:Mu, R.

机构:[1] College of Computer and Information Engineering, Xinxiang University, 453003,Xinxiang, China


通讯机构:[1]College of Computer and Information Engineering, Xinxiang University, 453003,Xinxiang, China|[1107118]新乡学院计算机与信息工程学院;[11071]新乡学院;

会议论文集:Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, CICN 2012

会议日期:November 3, 2012 - November 5, 2012

会议地点:Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India


外文关键词:Association rules - Building materials - Computation theory - Data mining - Intelligent computing - Search engines - Structural analysis

摘要:The structural material is based on the mechanical properties, force component of the materials used to manufacture. At present, the theory of formal concept analysis has been successfully applied to software engineering, data mining, information retrieval and other fields. Association rule mining is in order to find interesting association or contact between the item sets in large amounts of data. The paper presents the construction search structural material based on formal concept analysis and association rule mining. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has high efficiency. ? 2012 IEEE.



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